Prosperity Burger datang lagi!! Yummy..

Semalam kitorang keluar ke 1Borneo..dak p di gunting lepas tu kitorang jalan2..tup2 tengok2 kat McD ada da Prosperity Burger!! Tak nampak pon dalam iklan memana…tup2 cam ada jek..hahahaa..nice wei…kompom la wajib kena makan…our all-time-favourite burger from McD! ๐Ÿ˜€ hehehe

mcd prosperity burger

kat sini (Kota Kinabalu) satu set Prosperity Burger ni harganya RM14.38..kat sane berapa ek?

set prosperity burger

hohoho..sedap2..tapi cam kurang pedas laa!! tak berapi cam dlu2 makan..kurang black pepper kot…haahaha..patut tambah lagi yg dalam peket tu..baru la berapi! hehehe..

alif di mcd

En. Alif tak dapat la merasa Prosperity Burger ni..hehehe..kang berapi plak kang..dak ni cam agak tahan gak la pedas sket..tapi tak pedas sgt laa..kalau kari ke pe dier mmg suke..kalau aku buat kari selalunye byk gak dier makan…tapi takkan la hari2 nak buat kari kan…hehehe…

Alif makan nugget and bubur jek…memula aku nak belikan bubur jek..then orang tu kata takde..dah siap bayar dah tunggu makanan jek..tengok2 ade plak orang kat belakang counter tu dok keluarkan bubur..aik…huu..da tu last2 beli jek gak la bubur..huu..

last2 tak abes buburnya..hahah..

2 of my favourites win!!

Baru jek perasan pasal ni la…bukan up-to-date sangat pon.. ๐Ÿ˜€ Ape nyer yang menang tu? hohoho..takde pe laa..cuma 2 of my favourite open source; WordPress and Opencart.. ๐Ÿ˜€

Info ni aku copy paste jek from:


Open Source CMS

Every Content Management System (CMS) that is based on one of the Open Source licenses were eligible to participate in this category.

We are pleased to announce that CMS Made Simple has won the Open Source CMS category in the 2010 Open Source Awards.


Winner: CMS Made Simple

1st Runner up: SilverStripe

2nd Runner up: MODx

Congratulations to CMS Made Simple and commiserations to the Open Source projects that took part in the finals for this category but just missed out.

Comment Puan Beba : Tak pernah pakai pon ni..hahaa..stick to my beloved WordPress ๐Ÿ˜€


Hall of Fame CMS

This category is reserved for those CMSes that have won the Open Source CMS Award at least once in previous years.

We are pleased to announce that WordPress has won the Hall of Fame CMS category in the 2010 Open Source Awards.*


Winner: WordPress

1st Runner up: Drupal

2nd Runner up: Joomla!


*As a result of a tie between Drupal and WordPress, an extra independent judge Mark King was brought in for a decisive vote.

Congratulations to WordPress and a thank you to Drupal and Joomla! for taking part in the Awards this year.

Comment Puan Beba : Yeay! WordPress memang terbaek! Korang pon kalau nak buat blog pakai la wordpress ek.. ๐Ÿ˜€ macam2 bule buat..bukan blog jek..sometimes orang ingat WordPress ni limited untuk buat blog jek..skang ni wordpress orang dah pakai wat company website, portfolio, e-commerce site (simple jek la..), membership site..mcm2 la.. ๐Ÿ˜€ tu yang menang no.1 tu kan..hehe.. (bangga cam dier jek yang buat wordpress tu..haha..)


Most Promising Open Source Project

All Open Source projects, that have had its first release date less than two years from 9 August, 2010,ย were eligible to participate in this category.

We are pleased to announce that Pimcore has won the Most Promising Open Source Project category in the 2010 Open Source Awards.

Winner: Pimcore

1st Runner up: TomatoCMS

2nd Runner up: BuddyPress

Congratulations to Pimcore and commiserations to the Open Source projects that took part in the finals for this category but just missed out.

Comment Puan Beba : BuddyPress tu cam pernah nengok ala2 community portal kot..haahha..agaknye laa..malas nak gi tengok..yang len2 tu tak pernah amik tau lagi.. :p


Open Source E-Commerce Applications

This category is reserved for the type of web applications that simplify buying and selling of products on the Internet.

We are pleased to announce that PrestaShop has won the Open Source E-Commerce Applications category in the 2010 Open Source Awards.

Winner: PrestaShop

1st Runner up: OpenCart

2nd Runner up: Tomato Cart

Congratulations to PrestaShop and commiserations to the Open Source projects that took part in the finals for this category but just missed out.

Comment Puan Beba : Tahun depan kompon OpenCart menang no.1! hohoho..tengah tunggu diorang release OpenCart 1.5 plak ni..tengok ape improvementnye.. ๐Ÿ˜€


Open Source Graphics Software

This category, as the name suggests, is for all Graphic Application Software that is used for graphic design, multimedia development, specialized image development, general image editing, or simply to access graphic files.

We are pleased to announce that Blender has won the Open Source Graphics Software category in the 2010 Open Source Awards.

Winner: Blender

1st Runner up: GIMP

2nd Runner up: Inkscape

Congratulations to Blender and commiserations to the Open Source projects that took part in the finals for this category but just missed out.

Comment Puan Beba : Part ni aku tak berapa reti beno..sebab aku tak gune..gune photoshop jek..korang pernah try ke blender tu..aku selalu nampak blogger2 pakai GIMP and Inkscape..jarang yang mentioned Blender..maybe korang bule try..mana tau kot best..hehee.. ๐Ÿ˜€


Open Source JavaScript Libraries

This category is reserved for JavaScript libraries, libraries of pre-written JavaScript controls which allow for easier development of RIAs (Rich Internet Applications), visually enhanced applications or smoother server-side JavaScript functionalities.

We are pleased to announce that jQuery has won the Open Source JavaScript Libraries category in the 2010 Open Source Awards.

Winner: jQuery

1st Runner up: Mootools and Raphaรซl

Congratulations to jQuery and commiserations to the Open Source projects that took part in the finals for this category but just missed out.

Comment Puan Beba : aku tak reti coding jQuery ni..nak belajar malas..hahaa..bule ke.. :p hehe..tapi memang jQuery ni lagi memana pon ade orang juga..aku pon gune..tapi orang lain codekan..hahaa..kat plugin2 wordpress banyak yang pakai jQuery ni..

opensourceCMSItu jek la pesanan penaja hari ni..hehehe..kalau sape2 nak migrate ke wordpress and tak berapa nak reti nak install or nak setup or nakkan custom made template silalah contact aku ek.. ๐Ÿ˜€ I’ll do it for you..tapi tak free la ek..hehehe..saya ialah suri rumah yang nak carik duit poket.. :p

writer’s block??

bule ke apply to blogger? hahhaa..seriously cam tak reti la aku nak tulis ape sekarang..memang takde idea langsung..

writer's block

cam dah tepu kepala otak..kay la nak gi rehat laaa..owh..tapi hari tu aku ade terjumpe kat blog sape ntah..pasal 30days challenge..dier ade kasi topic so kita just tulis jek maybe nanti bile2 rajin bule la aku wat..hari tu dah copy and simpan topics yang ada..tapi tu lain kali laa.. :p

hari ni berterbangan balik dengan air asia!

petang ni dah balik KK dahhh….

pasni idop pon jadik rutin balik gak la..

Alif pon mesti rindu kat mak su z-dah dier nnt…yo laa kat sini mmg cam putera raja dah mak su z-dah dier layan..

nak update panjang2 pon tak bule ni…nak kena pack laptop ni masuk bag…hohoho..

harap2 balik ni takde la kena excess baggage..hahaha..

dah tinggalkan ape yg patut dah…lagipon nanti bulan 1 balik lagi..hohoho…

mak hepi ada orang lain nak melayan Alif….Alif pon lagi hepi mak su z-dah, papashir, mamarina, and masabu ade melayan..kalau ngan pakcik yash dapat duduk atas bahu and terbang2 tinggi2…haahha..dah kate pon pakcik yash lagi tinggi dari ayah alif…hohoh..pakcik boyem pon kalau balik kerja ada gak main2 ngan alif…so kat sini mmg Alif tak kesunyian laa…

now everyone can fly!! hoho..en. alif sejak lahir ni dah lebih 10 kali dah naik kapal terbang..nenek Alif cakap, Alif naik kapal terbang cam naik bas jek..hohoho..

kay laa..nak tutup laptop and pack..kang dok ngadap sini kang tak siap2 plak..bahaya2…

air asia


p.s: tadi mamat yang nak hantar photobook tu telepon..tak jumpe umah la plak..ntah mana dier masuk ntah…dah la salah taman..mmg la tak jumpe..huu…kalau tak biasa ngan taman umah aku kat kajang ni memang asik sesat jek la tak jumpe2 umah..huu…

Alhamdulillah..mak dan ayah selamat sampai dari tanah suci…

Semalam tak sempat nak buat update..hehee..

Semalam pagi kol 6.30 gitu dah gerak ngan Pakcik Yas (my brother yang no.2) kitorang berdua jek pergi..2-3 hari before tu mak ade pesan suh bawak 2 kereta..mana la tau kot2 tak muat ke barang nak sumbat kang…disebabkan Pakcik Boyem kerja shift pagi semalam (yup..adik aku ni ahad pon kerja..hehe) so aku la yg kena gantikan..En. Alif of course tengah tido lena aku malas la nak kacau2 dier tido…

so berdua la kitorang ke KLIA..sampai2 jek masa nak parking tu bule plak yg parking chips tu bule abes plak kat entrance tu..lama gak tunggu…siap byk gile kereta beratur belakang kitorang..orang yg kat belakang siap mamat security suh reverse masuk kat entrance lain..tapi kitorang tunggu jek kejap lagi..sebab dah ade orang datang refill balik chips..

sampai2 jek..dalam pukul 7.15am gak la kot kat atas tempat ketibaan tu..kitorang tunggu jek la kat tempat ketibaan yg ramai2 orang haji keluar..ntah berapa minit ntah..tak gak keluar2..rupenye flight delayed daaa..Yas kompiden jek kata tak delayed kitorang lepak2 la dlu makan2 kat Burger King..borak2 dlu..dalam kol 9.15 gak kot baru mak and ayah keluar…

then terus gerak balik…sampai kat umah nenek, atuk, kak noi and family dah ada kat umah..then ade la lagi yg datang tengok2..pastu mak ngah and family pon datang..siap bawak makanan macam2 lagi..aku ngan dah makan Burger King nye before tu..mmg kenyang gile laaaa…

pastu dah abes borak2..rasa2 cam dah mamai gile gi sambung tido jap..hahaha..the day before tu..dah la aku tido pon dah nak kol 2am..pastu kol 4.30am En. Alif bantai gi bangun nangis2 plak..pas tu aku cam dah tak le tido..tu yg cam ngantuk sangat dah takle tahan..hohhoho..

apa2 pon Alhamdulillah laa..semua pon dah selamat.. ๐Ÿ˜€



MLM? Nope..not for me..

tadi masa dok tengok2 FB, ada kawan aku yang share an articles from a blog pasal MLM ni…aku ni bukan jenis yang PRO-MLM ni..anti pon tak jugak..for me..MLM mmg tak sesuai dengan aku..and kalau dengar jek pasal MLM mmg aku lari terus..hehe..

Kepada yang seswai ngan MLM ni teruskan usaha korang..takpe..aku tak jeles kalau korang naik mercedes ke..or kipas2 duit depan muke aku ke..aku kenal diri aku..and MLM is definitely not for me..


pembahagian duit system MLM..?

Mak yang memang dah banyak kali masuk MLM and last2 tak dapat ape sangat pon..maybe la ade sket2 dapatnya..yang cam berjaya sket dlu mak aku join wat jual ‘Premium Beautiful‘ tu pon last2 dier berenti..atas sebab2 personal.. :p tak mo cakap kat sini sebab kang marah plak orang yang buat business jual ‘Beautiful’ kang..skang ni pon kalau dier ade sebut jek benda2 yang bunyi ala2 MLM ni terus aku straight jek cakap..‘tak payah la mak, MLM2 ni bukan rezeki kita’..

MLM ni takde la semua pon menipu..tapi macam benda lain kenalah usaha and luck pon ye gak..there are some MLM yang memang dah bertapak lama..and diorang ada products2 yang bagus la kot..kalau tak takkan la orang still beli ye tak..but there are some MLM yang mmg scam dan ditubuhkan hanya untuk mengaut keuntungan dari orang2 yang tak bernasib baik..tapi yang kesiannya bile yang buat MLM gini orang Melayu gak and yang terkena pon orang Melayu.. MLM = Miskin lagi miskin (aku curik sape punye istilah ni ntah.ada terbace somewhere..)

but sometimes bukan MLM ni yang menipu or ape..even the system not perfect..yo la..dah kalau downline ke mende ni..berapa ramai sangat manusia kat dunia ni kalau yang citer pasal infinite downline tu mmg bullshit laa..opss..and there are also upline yang tamak haloba..janji2 manis..ayat yang biasa dengar ‘kalau you all masuk under I kompom I akan tolong you..kalau you stuck..takpe..nanti I tolong masukkan orang under jangan risau..kitorang mesti akan tolong’ yup..tolong la sangat..mak aku dlu dok carik orang byk gak la bawah dier..pastu cam dah stuck la..mak aku pon mana la nak keluar2 sangat carik orang ni..nak harap upline tu laa..mmg tak nampak langsung2..tup2 tau2 rupanya dier dah bukak lagi satu kaki lain..and dok sebok kembangkan yang tu pulak..yeah right..tu la contoh upline yang tamak haloba..mana pergi janji? harapan..

bukan la nak suh dier masukkan semua..satu pon jadik la..konon2 cam wat penaik semangat laa..hahaah..tapi yo laa.macam yang aku cakap tu..MLM ni mmg bukan rezeki kitorang..

so berbalik pada blog yang aku terjumpa from FB ni..aku tengok blog dier mmg mostly pasal MLM ni jek..and he’s a totally anti-MLM person..and looking at his posts pon cam dier ni takde la cakap kosong..most of it ada reference gak or dier ni jenis orang yang doing his homework dolu baru nak kasi post2 mende yang kontroversi ni.. ๐Ÿ˜€ blog dier pon cam baru lagi..

yang cam hot kat blog dier skang ni pasal gelang2 magnet kesihatan what eva yang dibuat oleh AC Mizal..first time aku dengar..eheh..sbb aku mmg tak amik tau pasal MLM ni..and pasal hyperbulksms ke pe tu..

yang paling menarik ialah pasal testimonial2 yang konon2 nya good testimonial from orang2 from london after using gelang magnet ni laa..rupanya2 just di copy and paste from website lain jek..huu..tipu orang ek…

post tu ada kat sini:

banyak lagi artikel pasal rasanya kalau ade orang ajak korang join tu..tak payah la kot..hehehe..

saje jek tetibe nak cerita pasal ni.. ๐Ÿ˜€ jangan mare ek..