Fenugreek and Breastmilk

Fenugreek or Halba in Malay

Fenugreek or Halba in Malay

Macam yang pernah aku ceritakan..aku ade beli fenugreek pills baru-baru ni. Ada la nak dekat seminggu da kot aku makan pills ni..and alhamdulillah takde side effects pon either pada aku or pada Alif..tapi aku boleh nampak ada increased in my breastmilk production. Dah tak ala2 kais pagi makan petang lagi laa… 😀

Tapi tak semua orang sesuai ngan Fenugreek Pills ni.

Korang samada guna dengan berhati-hati (dengan nasihat en.doctor) atau pon avoid sama sekali kalau korang pernah kena atau ada:

  • Peanut or chickpea allergy: Fenugreek is in the same family with peanuts and chickpeas, and may cause an allergic reaction in moms who are allergic to these things.
  • Diabetes or hypoglycemia: Fenugreek reduces blood glucose levels, and in the few studies using it as a hypoglycemic, also reduces blood cholesterol. Dosages higher than the recommended one may result in hypoglycemia in some mothers [Heller]. If you’re diabetic (IDDM), use fenugreek only if you have good control of your blood glucose levels. While taking this, closely monitor your fasting levels and post-prandial (after meals) levels. Mothers with hypoglycemia should also use fenugreek with caution.
  • Asthma: Fenugreek is often cited as a natural remedy for asthma. However, inhalation of the powder can cause asthma and allergic symptoms. Some mothers have reported that it worsened their asthma symptoms. [Dugue 1993, Huggins, Lawrence 1999].
  • Abnormal menstrual cycles: Fenugreek is considered to be an emmenagogue (promotes menstrual flow). Per [White], it may cause breakthrough menstrual bleeding; this source recommends using fenugreek with caution if you have a history of abnormal menstrual cycles.
  • Migraines: Fenugreek is often cited as a natural remedy for migraines. However, [White] indicates that it may trigger a migraine and/or contribute to the duration and severity of a migraine.
  • Blood pressure problems or heart disease: Fenugreek is commonly reported to lower blood pressure and LDL blood cholesterol levels. [White] indicates, however, that it may cause or contribute to hypertension (high blood pressure) – this source recommends avoiding this herb if you have a history of hypertension, or if there is a strong family history of hypertension or heart disease.

Then few possible side effects yg maybe akan jadi bile korang amik Fenugreek Pills ni:

  • Sweat and urine smells like maple syrup; milk and/or breastfed baby may smell like maple syrup.
  • Occasionally causes loose stools, which go away when fenugreek is discontinued.
  • Use of more than 100 grams of fenugreek seeds daily can cause intestinal distress and nausea (recommended dose is less than 8 grams per day).
  • Repeated external applications can result in undesirable skin reactions [Wichtl 1994].
  • Ingestion of fenugreek seeds or tea in infants or late-term pregnant women can lead to false diagnosis of maple syrup urine disease in the infant due to presence of sotolone in the urine. See [Korman 2001] and other studies on fenugreek and maple syrup urine smell.

For more details on fenugreek, korang boleh tengok kat sini.

it’s settled… :D

so..refering to my 2 previous entry :

“Not so friendly blogshop owner” and “on second thought…nope..never”

The seller dah contact aku balik thru YM and come clean will all the ‘problems’. Dier pon dah mintak maaf and aku pon da maafkan dier..and mintak maaf jugak…hehehe…

hopefully perkara macam ni tak terjadi lagi..and the seller pon kena la amik iktibar dari pengalaman ni..and kena improve cara dier communicate ngan customers..just give what the customers want..customers nak tau pasal order dier..just bgtau jek..kalau dier tanya 2-3 kali pon jawap jek la…mesti ada sebabkan…cam aku laa…kalau aku da tau yang dier dah post aku punye barang tu kan…buat apa la aku sebok2 nak kacau dier..ye tak?

tak perlu la cakap yang dah bgtau semalam ke 2 hari lepas ke…just cakap “ya, order puan telah diterima dan sudah dipos” …habis cerita..the customer puas hati, the seller pon dah tak payah nak layan kerenah si customer tu..  (in this case aku la kan..) :p

apa pon terima kasih la kat seller tu sebab contact aku balik..and aku pon kalau fenugreek ni bagus, boleh la beli kat dier lagi (what happened to the nope..never?…hahahaha..) tak elok pon simpan2 ni..ape yang sudah tu sudah la ek..hehehe..

tadi tu maybe hangin lebih sket..tu la ayat pon cam besh..hahaha..aku rasa da lama da since last time aku hangin camni..dlu en.suami tersayang (masa tu en.boyfren) jek yg slalu wat aku camni..hahhaa…kalau bace blog lama-lama masa single dlu mmg banyak la post2 hangin cam tu..hehehe.. :p